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Decorative panels are labor-consuming works. However, the result is worth all creative suffering and effort. Upon presenting this magnificent work to your friends, you will definitely acquire the admiration of all relatives and acquaintances and the endless glory of ‘great needleworker’.

Fashion Magazine. Needlework, 2003, № 439

cushion covers and napkinflower motifs

Picture with flowers, ribbons

Picture with sunflowers
Ribbons, applique, 45 х 30

Picture with flowers

Picture with roses
Ribbons, applique, satin stitch, 48 х 38

Picture with flowers

Picture with roses
Ribbons, applique, satin stitch, 28 х 38

Picture with flowers

Picture with roses
Ribbons, applique, satin stitch, 28 х 38

Picture «The Flower Basket»

Picture «The Flower Basket»
Ribbons, applique, satin stitch, 70 х 60

Picture with hydrangea

Picture with hydrangea
Ribbons, applique, satin stitch, 48 х 38

icture with flowers

Picture with flowers
Ribbons, satin stitch, 38 х 28

Picture with flowers

Picture with flowers
Ribbons, applique, satin stitch, 23 х 33

Picture with lilac

Picture with lilac
Ribbons, applique, 23 х 33

Picture with hydrangea

Picture with hydrangea
Ribbons, applique, 48 х 98


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