Русский | English

No matter how fashion in floristics has been developing, whatever new exotic flowers and plants have appeared in gardens, greenhouses and flower markets, the rose invariably remains the queen of flowers. An inquisitive gardener can reveal the widest variety of roses in kinds, sorts and colors. We still love the passionate scarlet rose in the old fashioned way and are ready to transfer our love for it to flower-pieces...

Fashion Magazine. Needlework, 2003, № 438

picturesflower motifs

Flower motif (triptych), satin stitchFlower motif (triptych), satin stitchFlower motif (triptych), satin stitch

Flower motif, triptych
Satin stitch, silk, 40 х 60, 70 х 70, 40 х 60

Pansies motif, satin stitch

Pansies motif
Satin stitch, silk, 24 х 39

Daisies motif, satin stitch

Daisies motif
Satin stitch, silk, 25 х 37

Roses motif, satin stitch

Roses motif
Satin stitch, silk, 45 х 73

Motif Poppies, satin stitch

Motif "Poppies"
Satin stitch, silk, 47 х 110

Motif "Daisies and sweetbrier"
Satin stitch, silk, 36 х 70

Roses motif, satin stitch

Roses motif
Satin stitch, silk, 40 х 28

Roses motif, satin stitch

Roses motif
Satin stitch, silk, 39 х 44

Violets motif, satin stitchDaisies motif, satin stitch
Lilies of the valley motif, satin stitchForget-me-not motif, satin stitch

Flower motif
Satin stitch, silk, 8 х 11



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