2021 — “Flowers are tender and so beautiful”

The calendar for 2021 “Flowers are tender and so beautiful” is made up of embroideries by Svetlana Babushkina and poems written by Olga Loginova, a longtime admirer of her needlework and translated by Alex Romanovsky.
Where did Svetlana walk the many miles
That left these gifts, abundant and luxurious?
With a procession of designs and styles
I am enraptured first - and then I'm curious:
A Soviet life, a life of shades of gray,
Like ours, her days and daily hits and misses...
What inspiration spark pulled her away
And pulled her thread creating masterpieces?
Our joy is pure, and our thanks are with her,
For flowers she has grown will never wither.
The idea to publish a calendar with poems for the great-grandmother’s embroidery belonged to her great-granddaughter Alisa Lopatkina. Olga Loginova responded to Alisa’s idea, who put together the calendar by months.
Galina Kurlyandchik

Julie Passalacqua
Dear Galina,
Once again thank you! The 2021 calendar filled with your Mother’s needlework is exquisite. Can you guess that May with its beautiful hydrageneas and lilacs is my favorite. Olga’s admiration of your mother’s work shines through her poetry and helps us appreeciate the smallest details.
Another masterpiece you can be most proud of!
San Jose, California, USA
Izabella Jaczynski
Dear Galina,
Thank you so much for your wishes and a wonderful calendar, Your Mom's embroidery is very special and beautiful. The flowers are so pretty and the poems complement her artwork. You have such great ideas every year that I am always anxious to see what theme for the calendar you pic each year.
Clearwater, Florida
Marina Ryvkina
Thank you very much for this meeting with the BEAUTY, that you made for us with your present.
And beside this the wonderful relations, the kindness, remembrance, love and respect in your family - all this is such a positive feeling for all of us.
My best wishes to you and your family,
With respect,
San Jose, California