2022 — “New Generation 2022”

Svetlana Babushkina's great-granddaughters Anna and Alisa Lopatkina released a new family calendar “New Generation 2022” with their works in different painting techniques. The calendar is accompanied by poems by their grandmother Galina Krulyandchik and friends Artem Lyskov, Grigory Alenitsky, Valery Kazakov-Bogatyrev. The designer Polina Shcherbakova gave a great help in the production of the calendar.
Galina Kurlyandchik

Julie Passalacoua
Dear Galina,
You mast be so proud of Anna and Alise – what an amazing calendar they created for 2022 – making you and their greatgrandmother proud to carry on this tradition through the genetations!
Always such a beautiful artistic creation! No translation needed.
Thank you. Best wishes for the happiest of new years.
Love, Julie
San Jose, California, USA
Izabella Jaczinski
Dear Galina,
Two days ago I received your big surprise: the 2022 calendar with art work of your granddaughters! It is beautiful, very colorful, modern and original and I like it a lot so thank you very much my dear friend. What talented girls they are and I am sure their parents and grandparents are very proud of their achievements and talents. It will take me a while to read all the poems in the calendar since my Russian is rather rustic these days but I will enjoy the challenge :-) Of course my favorite paintings are for March, June and I am sure you can guess why :-) Also May, August, January and February and all others are great art works too.
Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA
Marina Rivkina
Hello Galochka,
Thanks a lot for your present. This is the my first NY present this your and it is very impressive. May be this is a prediction for me - the year will be beautiful and full of common sense.
I like the compilation - everything follow the main idea, which have a role of a trunk and beautiful words and pictures are around like a branches with flowers.
I love your poems. They are great.
I really wish "the new generation" have a "feeling" of what all of you presenting here.
My best congrats with coming NY and best of luck and success in your creative work.
San Jose, California, USA
Igor Yevelev's translation for the poem "At the Dead End" by Grigoriy Alenitzkiy in September
The spark has burnt out my own regrets,
And star also gone into the depth of muddy pools.
The force of the wind blew turmoil with no ends,
As never been seen by the eyes of the fools.
These folks are quite ready for everything harsher,
As lies, and betrayal, as rape, and the murder,
These folks do not care that there is Supreme Judge,
Who is watching the crimes and observes such disorder.
These folks are demanding land, money and bliss,
For living such life - without loss or concern.
These folks reached the peak on the path to abyss,
It doesn't matter that Country has none in return.
San Jose, California, USA